Essential Tips on Keeping Your Baby Safe During Sleep
In the United States alone, around 3,400 babies die unexpectedly and suddenly every year during sleep due to accidental deaths from strangulation or suffocation or SIDS ( sudden infant death syndrome).
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), to curb sleep-related infant risks and death, published a technical report and policy statement addressing in-bed and bedside sleepers and offered suggestions on ensuring a safe sleep environment.
But what is safe sleep?
Safe sleep is ensuring your baby sleeps in a way that can decrease the risk of sleep related dangers such as suffocation, choking, and SIDS.
How much sleep does a baby need?
Newborns usually sleep for approximately 16 hours at 3 - 4 intervals. Moreover, the baby must eat after every hour, the reason they only sleep for shorter periods. Your child may become overtired or crank if they do not get sufficient sleep.
Now that you know how important sleep is for your baby, how do you ensure they have the best sleep? Here are some tips to consider:
Check If The Baby's Crib Meets Safety Standards
When using any crib - portable crib, play yard, or bassinet, ensure it meets safety standards as stipulated by CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission). CPSC banned cribs with drop railing because they put babies at dangerous risks of strangulation and suffocation.

Position Your Baby to Sleep On Their Back
This is the safest sleeping position for your baby. Babies can easily die of SUDI if they sleep on their tummies or sides. When your baby gets to around six months, they tend to roll over often. Continue to put the baby on the back, but allow them to find their sleeping position.
Use a Strong Sleep Surface
Ensure the sleeping surface is flat and firm, like a mattress covered in a fitted sheet. You may feel like you should put your baby on a soft surface to make them more comfortable during sleep. But, soft surfaces escalate the risk of sleep-related death. On the other hand, a firm sleep surface minimizes suffocation and SIDS.
Avoid Bed Sharing At All Cost
Avoid bed-sharing with your baby. But some scenarios make bed-sharing even deadly. So, you should not share a bed with your child if they are less than four months old, have low birth weight, or were born prematurely, if you or other people in the bed are smokers, or you have taken drugs or medicines that may impact your sleep.
Give Your Baby a Pacifier
Even though it is not a must to give your baby a pacifier, one of the advantages is that it reduces the risk of SIDS even if the baby drops it off the mouth while sleeping. If you are a breastfeeding mother, it is advisable to wait for about three weeks before you can try a pacifier on your baby. If your baby does not like it, don't force it on them.
Ensure The Sleeping Environment is Cool
Every parent wants to make sure their baby sleeps warmly and comfortably. But according to studies, sleeping in a hot environment increases the chances of SIDS by about 4.5%. So, to ensure sleep safety, set the room temperature at 68℉ - 72℉ to keep your baby safe and comfortable.
Dress Your Baby in Light Clothes During Sleep
Remove ties and strings from your baby's pajamas, and do not wrap the baby's head. Consider using a sleep bag or a sleep suit to keep your baby warm without covering the face or head. Baby & Peas Sleep Bags and Sleep Suits provide a safe alternative to a blanket, meaning parents can rest easy knowing that our items will keep their baby warm, cozy, and safe all night long.
In conclusion
Safe sleep for your baby is an important matter, but it should not scare you. By taking into account the above expert-recommended safe sleep tips, you can be sure your babe is comfortable and safe while sleeping.
[1] How to keep your sleeping baby safe: AAP Policy Explained. R.Y. Moon.
[2] Safe Sleep for Your Baby brochure.
[3] Safe Sleep Practices.
[4] The ABC’S of Safe Sleep. J.Macklin